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Dec 13, 2010 After a bit of research I found the chip which is used http://www.datasheetarchive. com/SAK215-datasheet.html. I then drew out the circuit board Mar 13, 2017 Data sheet. Creation date March 0661060000. Version. SAK Series, PE terminal, Rated cross-section: 2.5 Fax number +370 5 215.
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2021-04-07 · BAS16,215 Nexperia Diodes - General Purpose, Power, Switching SW 75V 215MA HS datasheet, inventory, & pricing. SAK215 Hoja de datos, SAK215 datasheet, ITT Semiconductors - Speedometer and Mileage Indicator IC Kit, Hoja Técnica, SAK215 pdf, dataark, wiki, arduino, regulador, amplificador, circuito, Distribuidor This datasheet has been downloaded from: www.DatasheetCatalog.com Datasheets for electronic components. SAF1091 and SAF1092 Application Circuit SAK215 Pulse Shaper fo r Rev-Counters (8-Pin Plastic Package) The monolithic integrated circuit SAK215 is designed for , -c = > -c z ^ 15 k /5 k 82 yfl=1U.l6V SAK 215 A " " 07 10 mA SAK215 Application. OCR Scan: PDF SAK215 Datasheet pdf - Geschwindigkeitsmesser und Meilenzahl-AnzeigecIs Installationssatz - ITT Industries. Semiconductor: SAK215 (SAK 215) - PULSE SHAPER CIRCUIT FOR REVOLUTION Home Catalogue SAK 215.
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Semiconductor: SAK215 (SAK 215) - PULSE SHAPER CIRCUIT FOR REVOLUTION Home Catalogue SAK 215. Click on Image to Enlarge. SAK-series SAK-series 125 Weidmüller terminal - SAK-series- are pro-ved in millions of applications for more than 50 years. Available for the two rail systems TS32 and TS35, the SAK terminals are useable for every application and for all cross-sec-tions. SAK terminals fulfill the requirements of EN 60 947-7-1. Thermosetting plastic or Thermoplastic alldatasheet,free, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Electronic Components Datasheet Search Selected language Datasheet SAK terminal feed-through terminal SAK 10/35 BL Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG Klingenbergstraße 16 D-32758 Detmold Germany Fon: +49 5231 14-0 Fax: +49 5231 14-2083 www.weidmueller.com Technical data Creation date November 8, 2010 2:12:47 PM CET Last update 27.09.2010 / We reserve the right to make technical changes.