Orange announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of SecureLink on a €515m Enterprise Value basis. With €248m revenues in 2018, SecureLink is one of the largest


Orange Cyberdefense Sweden AB. Organisationsnummer. 556589-7211. Arbetsställen TELEFON. 040-6285600. Tillväxtfaktor. Tillväxten 

Orange, an IT and telecommunications services provider, recently announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire cybersecurity services provider SecureLink in a cash deal of €515 million ($577 million). The latest acquisition allows Orange to expand its reach in the European cybersecurity industry. Orange announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of SecureLink for $576 million. With €248m revenues in 2018, SecureLink is one of the largest independent cybersecurity services providers in Europe, with a strong presence in the key Nordics, Belgian, Dutch, German and UK markets. At SecureLink, we do one thing – and we do it well. In 2003, we launched a software platform to provide secure, accountable, and auditable third-party remote access.

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As Europe’s go-to security provider, we strive to build a safer digital society. We are a threat research and intelligence-driven security provider offering unparalleled access to current and emerging threats. The latest news about such an acquisition event happened when Orange publicly disclosed its full acquisition of SecureLink for €515 million. SecureLink is a cybersecurity service vendor based in the Netherlands with strong markets in Belgium, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Orange announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of SecureLink on a €515m Enterprise Value basis. With €248m revenues in 2018, SecureLink is one of the largest independent cybersecurity services providers in Europe, with a strong presence in the key Nordics, Belgian, Dutch, German and UK markets. Orange has made its biggest move into the cyber security market after acquiring Belgian technology company SecureLink in a deal that values the company at €515m including debt.

SecureLink, Austin, Texas. 201 likes. SecureLink is the leader in providing vendor privileged access management solutions for enterprise organizations

2. Tryck på  projects/rokot/project/model/SecureLink.php (Line:30).

Securelink orange

Orange meddelar i ett pressmeddelande att de förvärvar 100 procent av det nederländska cybersäkerhetsföretaget SecureLink. Teckna din prenumeration på Aktuell Säkerhet härSecureLink levererar cybersäkerhetstjänster och

Securelink orange

Orange announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of SecureLink on a €515m Enterprise Value basis. With €248m revenues in 2018, SecureLink is one of the largest Med förvärvet av SecureData och SecureLink har Orange tagit ett stort steg storleksmässigt för att bättre kunna förutse och avvärja attacker samt fått lokala säkerhetsteam på alla de viktigaste europeiska marknaderna, vilket ger den kombinerade organisationen en frontposition inom cybersäkerhetsexpertis. När Orange Cyberdefense köpte cybersäkerhetsföretaget SecureLink i somras var det en strategiskt viktig pusselbit för företagets hela erbjudande kring IT och IT-säkerhet. Mattias Åberg, Academy Manager på Orange Cyberdefense.

1.800 ansatte og en pro forma-omsætning på over 600 millioner euro i 2018. SecureLink sponsrar Deafblind Challenge Helsingör-Helsingborg Den 25 maj 2018 kommer Torbjörn Svensson ta på sig den absolut tuffaste utmaningen i sitt liv. Att paddla över ett av världens mest trafikerade sund, Öresund, med en kajak. During the Vietnam War, U.S. military forces sprayed tons of Agent Orange over the jungles of Vietnam. At the time of its use, no one knew just how toxic the chemical was, or how it would affect those exposed, even decades later. Here are s And more fun color trivia from an enlightening new book, ROY G. BIV, which decodes color, with surprises all across the spectrum An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company' Mandarin oranges include a variety of small oranges such as tangerines, Satsumas and Clementines that are sweet and have loose skin. While Clementines are Mandarin oranges include a variety of small oranges such as tangerines, Satsumas and So many crazy makeup colors come through the Allure offices each week that the out-there stuff tends to lose its shock value.
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1. SecureLink är marknadsledande inom IT-säkerhet i Europa. Företagsinformation. Ytterligare finansiell information och gratis årsredovisning från Orange  Orange Cyberdefense Sweden AB. Organisationsnummer.

With over 15 years of experience, we are trusted by some of the world’s largest brands. We are experts at designing, delivering, managing and supporting leading cyber security solutions.
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SecureData has 200 people in the U.K. and the U.S. and offers turnkey managed security services (MSS), research and training expertise. SecureLink has over 

After its acquisition of SecureData earlier this year, Orange has announced another agreement it has signed to acquire SecureLink, a transaction that will advance Orange’s position in the EU’s cybersecurity industry, according to a May 7 press release.. The deal will afford Orange a position of leadership in Europe’s cybersecurity scene as Orange will acquire 100% of SecureLink for an undisclosed amount at a valuation of €515 million ($577 million). As part of the deal, which is expected to be completed in late Q2 or Q3, SecureLink senior management will join Orange’s leadership team.