Offtake definition is - the act of taking off: such as. How to use offtake in a sentence.


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→ see also takeoff → take → See Verb table transitive (take something off) to have a particular amount of time away from work I’m taking Monday off to go to the game . We haven ’t taken any time off since last summer . 1986-04-01 Synonyms & Antonyms of takeoff (Entry 2 of 2) 1 a rising from a surface at the start of a flight (as of a rocket) make sure your tray table is safely put away during takeoff. Find 52 ways to say TAKE OFF, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 4 take something off, take off somethingChoose to have a period away from work. ‘I took the next day off’.

Take off

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Take-Off provides The Master Flow Air-Tite 6 in. Take-Off provides an airtight seal when connecting insulated flexible duct or round pipe to a flat surface. This take-off can be used to redirect air from any side of the plenum or to transition from a rectangular pipe run. Take Off provides ready-made social networks and also provide other peer support services as needed. When a need is identified, we will endeavour to design, develop and deliver a service to fill that void.

noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (aircraft: departure, launch) (aviation) décollage nm.

noun. a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane. a taking off from a starting point, as in beginning a race. the place or point at which a person or thing takes off…

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Take off

Takeoff definition, a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane. See more.

Take off

Grote showroom in Uithoorn, virtuele showroom tour. VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) De "VTOL starter" met geraffineerde elektronica, geeft na het bouwen van deze uitdagende opdracht veel. Take off energy drink 250 ml. Skip to the end of the images gallery. Take off energy drink 250 ml.

the place or point at which a person or thing takes off… Ett häftigt svart/vitt fotografi på en skejtare som rör sig snabbt. Ett coolt uttryck som gör affischen mer levande. Postern är fin att blanda i en tavelvägg. Definition of take-off_1 phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. WayV's the 1st mini album "Take Off" is out!Listen and download on iTunes, Apple Music and SpotifyiTunes: Music: http://sma Like this video?
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Takeoff definition is - a rise or leap from a surface in making a jump or flight or an ascent in an aircraft or in the launching of a rocket. How to use takeoff in a sentence.

Ze brengt elke dag met plezier met haar jeugdvriend Ronan door. Op een dag merkt Lilia dat haar lichaam  Dahlia 'Take Off'. € 2,60.