SCP-3166 is a 2.1-meter-tall humanoid entity, presumed pataphysical in nature, known to manifest during periods when the Garfield media franchise is 


2568, SCP-999, 603. 2569, Ank Knull, 603. 2570, YameyBean |, 603 3166, Greekazo, 600. 3167, McNackno, 600. 3168, RealAngut, 600.

Description: SCP-3166 is an entity resembling a guy in a Garfield costume that attacks anyone associated with the Garfield franchise and brand whenever the franchise is doing poorly. It is believed to have manifested after an anomalous Garfield comic was published. TheRubber bring you SCP Foundation EUCLID class object, SCP-3166 Animation.LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today!SCP 3166, also known as Gorefield, is SCP-3166 is a Euclid class anomaly also known as You Have No Idea How Alone You Are, Garfield or Gorefield.SCP 3166 is a 2.1-meter-tall humanoid entity, pres Draw My Life : SCP 3166 , is a complete story of the monster scp 3166.In this draw my life video, we are talking about the origin story of gorefield or wildl Zewnętrzna warstwa ciała SCP-3166 przypomina starannie wykonany kostium postaci Garfielda, który jak wykazały badania w terenie, składa się z prawdziwego kociego futra. Jednak analiza składu SCP-3166 w terenie wykazała, że jego masa wewnętrzna składa się w całości z makaronu: konkretnie lazani. Descripción: SCP-3166 es una entidad humanoide de 2,1 metros de alto, de presunta naturaleza patafísica, conocida por manifestarse durante los períodos en que la franquicia mediática de Garfield experimenta malos resultados en términos de recepción pública. Description: SCP-3167 refers to a pataphysical entity which manifests in narratives which share a single, common universe or protagonist, such as novel series, canons of short stories, or larger mythos works. 1 SCP-3167 appears to act independently of the intentions of other characters within the narrative, apparently seeking out a single character for the sole purpose of murdering them.

Scp 3166

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SCP-040 - Evolution's Child. SCP-041 - Thought-Broadcasting Patient. 2020-12-22 Description: SCP-3167 refers to a pataphysical entity which manifests in narratives which share a single, common universe or protagonist, such as novel series, canons of short stories, or larger mythos works. 1 SCP-3167 appears to act independently of the intentions of other characters within the narrative, apparently seeking out a single character for the sole purpose of murdering them. ID: SCP-3166. age:around 17.

119 votes, 15 comments. 525k members in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | The official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction … アイテム番号: SCP-3166 オブジェクトクラス: Euclid 特別収容プロトコル: 『ガーフィールド』メディアミックスは、可能な限り長く活発状態・成功状態を維持しなければなりません。あらゆる『ガーフィールド』メディア事業には、コミック業界や映画業界に存在する財団フロント企業を介した Description: SCP-3166 is a 2.1-meter-tall humanoid entity, presumed pataphysical in nature, known to manifest during periods when the Garfield media franchise is performing poorly in terms of public reception.

SCP-3166 Du har ingen aning om hur ensam du är, Garfield objekt klass euclid Artikelnummer: SCP-3166 Objektklass: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: 

Jan Berndtsson, LEJ  (AXFR, IXFR) Fil in/ut File repository (SVN) Säker filöverföring (SCP) Databas ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2-kodelement för konungariket Sverige TLD administreras  B01ID273Z6 886551873429 0 DEFAULT free_delivery Nike Tee-SCP Paper y 4 11 B07GSZ3166 1000362750222 0 DEFAULT free_delivery TERRANOVA  Jerry_Seinfeld. Internationella_valutafonden. Immortal_Technique. ISO_3166 Som_en_härlig_gudomskälla.

Scp 3166


Scp 3166

2020-03-29 SCP-3166 first manifested on 10/23/1989 within the Chicago offices of United Media, who were the publishers of the Garfield comic strip at the time. Upon manifestation, SCP-3166 wandered around the offices in a confused and distressed manner, before indiscriminately assaulting any individuals present after security attempted to apprehend it. Description: SCP-316 is a bronze, aged carbide lamp. The casing corresponds to no manufactured models and appears to be homemade. The bulb is ordinary, and can be replaced without impeding the function of SCP-316. Internal circuitry of SCP-316 is constructed … Media coverage of family deaths attributed to SCP-4666 is to be suppressed or falsified to make said deaths appear as non-anomalous home invasion murders. Forensic evidence and SCP-4666-A instances collected by non-Foundation agencies are to be confiscated, and witnesses amnesticized.

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This video, being derived from written by Sorts,  ISO 3166-2. LV-1034. Freebase-ID. /m/05p1y7z.
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22 Dec 2020 SCP-3166. By fossilstyler. Watch. 11 Favourites. 2 Comments. 315 Views. Name: You Have No Idea How Alone You Are, Garfield.

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